Apex Ultra



Like the other low alloy steels, Apex Ultra has some very fine iron carbides and like 52100, Apex Ultra’s iron carbides are enriched with chromium giving the steel a significant boost to wear resistance. Unlike 52100, Apex Ultra also has a small volume of fine (for a conventionally produced steel) MC-type vanadium and tungsten carbides which add greatly to its wear resistance. Due to the low volume of MC-type carbides, Apex Ultra can be easily sharpened on ceramic or natural stones. If you are interested in more information on this steel I have covered it on my Instagram as part of my ongoing Steel Saturday series!

Apex Ultra is new steel created by Marco Guldimann, Tobias Hangler, and Dr. Larrin Thomas as an improvement to Aogami super. This steel was designed to have a very good balance of hardness and toughness even at 66+ Rc. As well as the best wear resistance of any low alloy steel. Apex Ultra is a great choice for those who want a very high-hardness steel that sharpens well on conventional stones.